In today’s society becoming an athlete means you are guaranteed big bucks. I feel that athletes deserve all the money they are getting nowadays. I feel that way because of the high risk of injury they face every game they go out and play. Athletes have the highest risk of being injured out of all jobs in the world in my mind. I feel that way because they could be injured in a freak accident or on purpose by there opponents game by game they play. To get anyone with a passion or not to put there bodies at that risk in anything especially in sports you have to pay them big bucks in the millions.
They deserve that amount of money because if they do get injured real bad to the point they cant play the sport anymore. Then they will at least have enough money to take care of themselves and pay for themselves a college education. Then they would be okay because of all the money they earned and saved up from the sport they played to still be successful in this world in whatever they want to do. They deserve all that money because if they one of the best at the sport they play then they should be paid like it. And seeing that most athletes earn around a million plus. Then they should be paid in the tens of millions seeing that would only be fair because in the real world the better work you produce the more money you can charge and earn.
In real life Peyton Manning the quarterback for the Innadapolis Colts earns one hundred million dollars over a seven year deal period because he is the best player in the NFL rite now. Plus, he been a dominate player every since he came out as a rookie in the 1999 NFL season. He’s been awarded a lot of pro bowl selections and MVP of the league a record four times so far in his career. In his case and our great athletes of there sports they deserve all that amount of money because they have to lead there teams to the championship and win it. Which most of them usually do.
In basketball they play 81 or 82 games not including if you make it to the playoffs. There risk of being injured is higher than your post office work who does paper work. So therefore, they have a right basically to get paid more than the post office worker because you never know how long your career could last in sports. And so the millions they get paid pays for everything that a normal person pays. Such as things like health care, life insurance, and bills. Plus they aren’t going to play there sports for forty something years unlike normal job having individuals who get to work for they job for forty something years and then get paid retirement money when they retire.
Athletes don’t get paid retirement money. So they basically have to manage the millions of dollars they accumulate throughout there career and make it last for as long as they life after they retire. So they basically have earned the respect of most people to earn the millions they earn because of all the challenges they face. That’s how I feel oveall about the issue.