Cooperation to me means when a group of individuals work together for a common good or a different purpose. Cooperation is important because without it there wouldn’t be as many man made marvels that we have today. Cooperation was important for the construction of the Hoover Dam. It was important because everybody had different parts to do and if they didn’t do it correctly than the whole project would have failed. They used cooperation for each successful part of the project and ended up creating one of the Seven Wonders of the United States of America .
Cooperation is used in everyday life by ordinary people. Cooperation is used at people’s jobs to complete task. It’s used when you have to do group projects for school because you have to either work with or depend on other individuals in your group. Cooperation has been used in many civilizations that have ruled the world at one point in history. It was used ton gain all the success they had accomplished. Cooperation is used when a group of scientists try to prove a theory or invent a new invention. Cooperation is used in gangs when they steal from places and murder people. Its used by a group of criminals that plan to rob a bank or something.
Overall I think cooperation is essential to life on Earth. All animals have to use it on a daily basis to avoid predators and hunt for prey. Most of them use it to look out for there young. I think every society and culture uses it because without it we all as human beings would cease to survive and exist.
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