Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deepest Fear I used to have

I don’t have any fears now. But when I was little I used to have a fear of gorillas. I used to have a fear of them because I had a bad experience with one at the zoo when I was little. I touched the glass and the gorilla hit it back hard and scared the crap out of me. I got over the fear when I was like eleven years old. But I used to hate them with a passion.

1 comment:

  1. When I was at the La Zoo me and many other people were looking through the glass at all the gorillas. One came near the glass and began to eat some food, but then threw it up into his hands and began to eat it again. Some children that were watching said "eww" and "gross", and upon hearing this the gorilla slammed his hand against the glass, scaring the mess out of all the kids.
