Sunday, October 31, 2010

My dog Jaylon

Domestic animal- pet- small dog- white fur- short dog mentality- bad- My dog Jaylon.

My dog jaylon is truly a great pet. Jayolon is a bad dog. He’s not afraid of anyone or anything. He thinks he runs the block and will fight any dog that he can get a hold of if he sees them. Overall he is a good dog that will bring many laughs and good times to my family.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prompt#15: Communication

Communication has changed in the last twenty years a lot. Twenty years ago communication was not as advanced as it is today. Twenty years ago our cell phones weren’t as technologically advanced as they are now. Back then cell phones were only used to talk to other people. Now cell phones are used to connect to the Internet, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Goggle, play games, create and get more apps, and it does many more other things. Communication nowadays is essential to everyone’s life more than any other things. As in back in the day it wasn’t as important because there wasn’t as much technology and people had better things to do with there lives.
We have many satellites that help us communicate more today. They help people communicate live in person from across the world with each other. They can pin point a person’s location in the wilderness and it allows you to call or get into touch with people when you are standard in a remote area. Satellites have really changed communication in the world over the past twenty years.
Communication has even worked in the advantage of the government and military. It helps the government because it allows them to deliver speeches and take care of business way safer than you could do twenty years ago. Communication has helped the military because now they could find and attack the enemy more safer now. It allows them to give out orders from a location far away from the battlefield. It lets them sent in less men which means that more lives are saved with the advancements in communication over the last twenty years. That’s all I really feel about the issue.

Prompt#14: Techniques that teachers can use to teach more effectively

The techniques that our teachers should use to teach us more effectively should be the kind of methods that could grab a child’s attention and keep it. Some techniques should include games or prizes because then a child would be more motivated to do their work and learn to win the prize. So techniques include giving kids free time, and others may help boost the child’s grade up a letter. With those kind of techniques in use I think the teachers job would be much easier in trying to teach to us.
Using many different techniques would make a teacher’s job easier because then there classrooms wouldn’t be as noisy as they are. And if you reward a class with a pizza party for good grades and good behavior. Then the kids would be more willing to learn new things because then they would know the reward for such things. If all schools used that technique then we would see our kids overall grades and attitude about school change because they would love school instead of hating it all the time.
Overall I think the question of how teachers could do their job more effectively is self explanatory because I feel that if you work around kids throughout your job then you should know there needs and wants. If you don’t know it completely then you should at least have some idea of what they want and you should use that to your advantage of getting them to want learn more and keep the noise level to a minimum. In my opinion if you can’t do that then you aren’t doing your job well in my mind.

Do you think getting rid of cars would get rid of noise and air pollution in cities?

Although pollution is a major issue in today’s society. When it comes to banning passenger cars and forcing people to walk, and etc. I think that person should use hybrid cars instead because they don’t put out as much pollution as a regular car and they run on electricity. At least that way people could still ride around in there car and have less of a harmful impact on the environment and they wouldn’t be forced to use public transportation or ride a bike or something. Also hybrid cars are virtually soundless so noise pollution is something you wouldn’t have to worry about owning one.
For the people who believe that all the noise and air pollution is just because of the cars only then they are sadly mistaken. In my opinion that although cars do cause some of the air and noise pollution in our cities that all the blame shouldn’t just be put on them. I think that because most of the pollution may come from big name gas companies, coal production plants, air traffic from airplanes, factories, trains, and ships that come in and out of our ports. Most of them actually cause the noise and air pollution we so desperately talk about.
I think that the government should step in and make all the real major pollution causers do something about the issue. For example they all could use cleaner and energy conserving engines that would cause way less damage to our environment and world as a whole. Instead of trying to place all the blame on cars in the city when all theses other factors contribute way more to the problem then them. I think that if you were to make people stop using there vehicles that it would cause chaos because most people would not agree with the rule. They would use there jobs, and other important aspects of there life as a reason why they wouldn’t stop driving there cars. But I understand that some people are just lazy and that would be there reason why they would continue to drive their cars if u made it a rule not to drive them.
I think that if for some reason that cars are the problem then we should use green technology to improve our cars and make them more environmental friendly. I feel that we should use green technology like solar panels for solar power to run our cars and all the buildings in the city so they could contribute to getting rid of the problem of pollution. If we just used power like wind power, and natural gases that are harmless and that never run out for the environment that pollution would be a issue of the past.
Even though pollution of whatever source kills many people each year. It gives people with to much exposure cancer, lung issues, and other major medical issues that can be life threatening. Pollution is one of the top issues that I agree we should focus on and get rid of. But in my opinion getting rid of cars isn’t the way to solve it when there are so many other bigger contributories to the problem and not make them suffer any consequences.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Prompt#13: Conveniences

Conveniences are common in everyday life. Most people deals with one and usually lets it go by good or bad. And some people run into conveniences that really change there life’s around. One convenience a person may run into is the love of there life. If that were to happen they could be on a train and start to converse with each other. Probably while they converse at some point they realize that they like most of the same things in and about life. Then they could become in love with each other and go on to have a happy marriage and life together.
Another way a convenience could have a profound effect on someone’s life is a gang member learning what gang life really does to the people’s lives it ends. They could be the hardest gang member ever but when they come across a random person that tells him how life has been without there son or daughter and how it changed there lives and how they will never be able to see him again. A conversation with that person could change his life around. It could make him realize all he’s done over the years he’s been with the gain is cause unbelievable pain and suffering to many families whose kid or family member’s they have killed. It could really make him give up gang banging and turn his life over to God that so he can be forgiven for all the hurt and pain he’s caused.
Overall I think conveniences as being a common and likely accordance in most people’s life’s whether its bad or good. I feel that conveniences change a person’s life everyday in this world we live in. That’s all I really think on the issue.

Prompt#12: Fame and Fortune

A person achieves fame and fortune usually after going through many hardships in their lives. Some person achieve fame and fortune through there family’s name and are just basically given all there fame and fortune they have. Some people actually earn there wealth the old fashion way from the ground up. Some people who have earned there fame and fortune through there family name such as Paris Hilton, Kim Kardishian, The Johnson Family Corporation, and many more. Most of theses people have been spoiled around wealth there whole lives and I don’t think reality has ever hit them. And some people who have earned everything they have to day from the ground up such as Bill Gates, the people who invented Goggle, Facebook, Myspace, and many more had achieved everything they have without it being handed to them.
I think people that earn everything they have wealth wise the old fashion way lives change to some extent. I say that because most of them grow up with nothing and some lived in the worst neighborhood’s of there city. I think all they do with the wealth they earn is first of all help out themselves, then the family, and then I think they buy the things they have always wanted to own but never had the money to do so. I know if I was wealthy that’s what I would do and I would buy myself a motorcycle and a Ferrari. And they give back a lot of money to charities and to there neighborhoods they grew up in. That’s what I would do because I feel without that type of environment to push them that extra mile they wouldn’t be as successful as they are now.
I feel that people who are giving there wealth that life easily. They feel that they are above everybody just because of there family name corporation or the money they have inherited from there parents. I don’t really have any respect for most of them because they have never experienced real life and were just always handed everything they ever wanted. Overall I feel if you want to be wealthy then you should earn it and not be given it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Prompt#11: An Major Environmental Problem We Need To Do Something About

A major environmental problem I believe should be addressed as soon as possible is the issue of global warming I think global warming is a major issue because if the world warms to high then all of our lives will be affected forever. Global Warming has the potential to be one of the single biggest disasters that humans have created next to the atomic bomb. Scientist have already agreed that if action is taken now that there will be no chance of stopping it. Global Warming is being caused by all the pollution that humans put into the air everyday by our cars, factories, airplanes, oil companies, coal companies, and many more.
I feel that all humans should invest into green technology and change there lifestyles so they can coexist with the environment. Green Technology is basically investing into wind, solar, and other natural gases that are harmless to the environment but generate a lot of power. Green Technology has the potential to run the world’s energy supply less expensively and at a better rate then the oil we use today because the ways of getting energy the green technology way is unlimited. Unlike oil which will eventually run out sooner or later.
Some cities are using green technology such as wind power, and etc to run there whole city and it works perfectly. But I feel that the rest of the world wouldn’t start to use green technology until a nation like the US begins to use it as its main power source. That’s the only way other countries will follow suit because they all look up to us since we are the most powerful nation in the world.

Prompt#10: Dicuss an major health concern.

A public health concern that I feel should be brought to the publics attention immediately is the ever rising obesity rate in the United States among kids and adults. I feel that way because the government is steadily taking a PE from schools across the U.S.. And our kids are suffering because now they don’t get there required physical activity in and are now becoming more and more lazy. More and more kids are now not playing outside like they should and stay inside on there game systems such as PS3, and Xbox 360. Most kids now love to eat unhealthy fast food like McDonalds everyday and for every meal.
The reason obesity should be addressed is because it’s a proven fact that the United States has the most unhealthy and overweight people in the world. I also believe we should take action before this epidemic takes over everyone’s life and our love ones start to lose there lives over it. Obesity is an issue few have paid an attention to over the years but nowadays people are actually concerned about the issue. Some people who believe in it now have become obese and realize the harmful effects it causes to there bodies. It makes you overweight, and you could lose your sex life or it could end a relationship between couples.
Overall I feel that the government since they so called care about the people should do something about obesity as soon as possible. If they delay in there efforts to attempt to do something then they will have to face the biggest problem they have ever faced in there lives. They will have to deal with an overweight, lazy society of people who don’t work or exercise. And all they do is eat and sit down and do nothing.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How far should security be taken at school?

Prompt#30: Many schools employ security guards and have installed security equipment such as video cameras and metal detectors in the building. In your opinion, how should security in public schools be handled? Use some specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In my own opinion about school security and how it should be handled deals on what area the school is in. I think that schools shouldn’t even have security around them like that because schools are suppose to be a place for learning and should be a safe environment where kids shouldn’t feel in danger. But I do agree with at least having one or two security guards on the school campus at all times.
But I think if the school is in a real high crime and high murder rate zone then having a metal detector is justified. But if its just a regular school then having a metal detector is unnecessary in my mind. Its unnecessary because if the metal detector picks something harmless like a belt or something and the security guards mistake it for something else. And then they could strip the person down and violate there rights to privacy and then the student could sue. I even feel the same way for the schools that a metal detector would be acceptable that they shouldn’t strip anyone down that crosses through the metal detector and make it go off. They should only do it to known trouble makers and known gangs members. But you should just pat them down instead of ever making them strip down for privacy rights only. That’s what I think about metal detectors being installed in schools.
But I think that school’s shouldn’t have video cameras installed because I feel that invades the kids right to privacy and that you never know what someone may do with the tapes everyday that it would record. We have very sick people in this world today and it’s a possibility that they could try to stock some kids through the video recording program. Some people may put video cameras in the kids restrooms which would cause major problems with the student body and there parents who I know wouldn’t ever accept video cameras being in their kids restroom at school. And then they could use it to there so called advantage an track a kids every movement which in my mind is to much. I would only agree to video camera usage at school is if the school was in a high crime and high murder rate zone. But I would still have places where they shouldn’t ever put them like in normal schools. That’s how I feel about the use of video cameras in school.
Overall I feel that if there’s a slight chance of every form of a security equipment be put an use and it violates there right to privacy then it shouldn’t be used. I understand that there are bullies in every school and other issues many kids deal with on a day to day basis. I feel that kids should be taught how to approach a teacher or adult on issues like bullying, etc so they want be afraid of telling someone about the issue so that the adult can solve it and possibly save a kid’s life in the process. That’s how I feel this security equipment issue should be solved in my own opinion. And just keep the normal one or two school security guards just for extra safety reasons only.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Prompt#9: Discuss the causes of and problems resulting from teenage smoking.

I feel that the cause of most cases of teenage smoking is from peer pressure. I think that most kids think that they may not be considered cool by there peers if they don’t smoke in some cases. Others could be that they just experiment with it once, then became addicted to it and continue doing it the rest of there lives. In my opinion I will never smoke a cigarette and if I do then I promise to myself that I want become addicted to it like most people. Some teenagers smoke because just don’t care and others do it from being stressed out by something or someone. Some teenagers smoke if they are stressed out because they feel that it calms and relaxes them for awhile to the point they don’t even think about the issue that caused them to smoke in the first place.
The problems that most teenagers doesn’t know that smoking can kill you and feel that nothing is wrong with it. I think that teenagers don’t realize all the harm smoking causes to there bodies. They don’t realize that it causes lung damage and other major body and mental issues. I think that most teenagers aren’t going to realize the risk of smoking till one of there best or good friends dies from doing it. Another way they could see the risk of it is if one of there parents or family members dies from smoking problems.
Overall I feel that smoking is not cool at all because of all the deadly life threatening risk there are in doing it. And I’m only talking about cigarettes when I talk about teenage smoking issues. But when it comes to weed I’m okay with people smoking that because it does nothing to you in a harmful way. It just makes you real chilled and relaxed.

Prompt#8: Math is a required subject. Explain why it is so important.

Personally, I don’t really care for math like that. But there are many reasons why math is important. One of them is that math revolves around our day to day lives. I say that because I’m sure everybody uses money or uses math in number form if not everyday at least a few times a day. You could use math to see how many miles you walk a day, to see how or tell much an item cost, or just to tell someone how old you are. All math basically is, is just equations that apply to everyday life and help you solve many problems that you come across.
Math is used all across the world to predict when the next earthquake may happen, to solve age old mysteries, and many more situations. Everybody uses math. Drug Dealers use it to separate there weed, cocaine, and etc in to weight such as grams, kilograms, and pounds. Math has been used by many generations and civilizations throughout history. Sometimes math supports theories and ideas that scientist and ordinary people propose. Math is used to estimate how much something weighs. And I feel that math is important because in today’s society you need some knowledge about math to succeed. You need it because if were to own a business, you would need to know how much resources and how many of your product you would be able to get off at a time. And would need to know math well to accomplish that and run a productive business.
Overall I think math is useful in all areas of society now. You could use math to determine the population of the world today. That’s all I basically think math is important for.

Prompt#7: Describe how and why people choose the particular foods they eat.

I think that people choose the particular foods they eat because it most likely appeals to their taste bugs. I think that people acquire a taste for whatever they choose to eat. Another reason people could choose the particular foods they eat is because its there right and there’s no rule or law against it. And people could just choose to eat the particular foods they choose because it could be the only kind of food they could eat. For example a vegetarian eats everything except for meat because they choose to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle instead of eating unhealthy foods.
In my own opinion I don’t really care what people eat and how they choose to eat it. I feel that if it makes happy and content with yourself that you should be able to do whatever you want to do. And I think that some people may try a food item once just to taste it and could become addicted to it. That’s how some people stick to the particular foods they choose to eat. I know in my case why I choose to eat some particular foods that I eat is because they are my favorite foods to eat. I know that I would choose hamburgers and fries over vegetables any day to eat because I hate vegetables with a passion. And hamburgers and fries are my favorite food to eat.
Overall I think some could eat a food item on accident and end up loving that food item. That’s a way people could choose what particular foods they like to eat. But I feel that everyone should try everything at least one time because that way you would be able to find out what foods you prefer and dislike a lot better.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Prompt#6: Describe the purposes of the Internet. Include the various viewpoints, including that of the users and providers.

The main purpose of the Internet is to provide the population with information and knowledge in my mind. I feel that’s the reason it was created for in the first place. The Internet is full of information most people don’t know about. I allows you to grow smarter as an individual in today’s world. The Internet is also used as a means of communication worldwide now.
The Internet connects millions people across the world today that would probably have no means of communication with each other without it. The Internet nowadays allows people to share there thoughts and opinions on all issues going on in the world. It allows people to make a name for themselves such as Perez Hilton, a blogger who always talks about celebrities and there issues and stuff. Another example would be a rapper getting fame worldwide. Most likely the rapper posted his music on the Internet and got a lot of fans that sent or told there friends about him and so on. With newfound fame like that from the Internet the rapper could get noticed and signed by a record label and become rich and have a great career thanks to the Internet for helping him launch his career off.
The Internet is one of mankind’s greatest inventions and also at the same time one of our worst inventions ever. The Internet helps us in a lot of ways but you still cant ignore the bad things about the Internet. The Internet is used by some people for disgusting purposes like a grown man trying to lure a teenage girl in so he can have sex with her. And some people get caught up in the human slave or sex slave industry through the Internet unwillingly. Overall the Internet is a great thing we created but I also has a dark side that you should never over look.

Prompt#5: Explain, in detail, a situation where a cahnge of plans becomes necessary

In my opinion I feel that a change of plans becomes necessary when there is a major natural disaster about to happen. Because when something of that magnitude happens every little escape route you know of may be blocked or destroyed. Then you would have to change your game plan and think of a whole new route or way to make it out of the city. And if you live in Los Angeles, California that could mean the difference between life and death if you survive the first blow of the disaster. Because your focus would then turn from surviving to finding water, food, shelter, and if so a way out of the city.
And if the disaster were to be something like an asteroid impact I hope that I died instantly during the impact because that would be hell to try and survive after it happened. And if you survived something like that then the aftermath caused by it would be devastating. It would be devastating because all supplies would be destroyed and if it wasn’t there would only be a small amount of them left, which would make you have to changes plans and abandon the city
But I think if anything else like a supervolanco erupting or a global ice age happened that it would cause major changes to anyone’s plans because they are so rare and devastating. Although we all hope none of theses disasters ever happen there is always a small possibility that they could happen. And if they do not only will people have to change there plans they will have to work together to survive the chaos after it happens.

Prompt#4: Describe your vision of an ideal vacation

My ideal vision of a vacation would be one of luxurious feats and getting pampered all day. I would probably take it in Hawaii, Brazil, Venice, or the Caribbean Islands. I would want everything just right and to go smoothly. My ideal vacation would have wine everywhere for me and my lady. I would have fresh flowers set in certain places.
I would have the place I stayed in beach front because I love the beach. I would just enjoy the ocean breeze and the beauty of the sun as it sets over the ocean. I would enjoy myself and get a massage daily. I would just relax and probably go shopping depending on where I would be taking my vacation. I would go visit the marine life under the ocean and go visit all the places landmarks. I would visit all the places landmarks because I would love to say I got to see all of them and experienced there beauty.
I would go to the Caribbean Islands for my vacation because I have heard it’s a beautiful destination to have a vacation. I have heard that’s it’s a place you have to visit and see before you die. And I would pick Venice because of its legendary canals. I would love to just cruise through the city in them with my lady. I would pick Brazil if I were single on a vacation for obvious reasons. To sit back an enjoy the beach and women. And Hawaii would be my number one choice. I love Hawaii, I’ve been there before and it was a great experience. I would go there because of the magnificent view I would see everyday I wake up and enjoy there great surf at there beaches.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Prompt#3: Explain the problems, both personal and societal, that result from obesity.

There are many problems on a personal note about obesity. One is that people who are obese loss their confidence about themselves. Some people feel that being obese gives them a disadvantage at life and it makes some of them commit suicide. Its makes them do that because healthy or normal sized people make fun of them and make them feel not wanted. Some people are obese because they gained an eating disorder or comfort from food that they weren’t getting from other people or a person when something bad happens to them in their lives. Such as a death of there best friend they never completely dealt with or some just love to eat and don’t know how to control themselves.
On a societal note about obesity I feel that in today’s society most people view obesity as a avoidable thing and people who are obese as lazy, non hardworking individuals. I feel that society is making a big deal about being fit and healthy that when a person becomes a obese, that they automatically assume that the person is chooses to be that way. But actually most obese people want to get healthy but feel they have no help and motivation to become healthy until they learn what that weight they carry around could do to there health in the long run. Some people don’t realize they could die and others refuse to believe they could die until something horribly wrong happens to them one day like a seizure to make them realize they need to do something.
Overall I feel most people who are obese don’t really want to be that way. I feel they just need help, motivation, and guidance to help them through whatever experience they went through that made them turn to food. And once they do that then they could enjoy a healthy life and enjoy everyday for what it is, and not always being talked about like they used to be.

Prompt#2: Explain how two people of different interests and backgrounds could become unlikely allies

Two people of different interests and backgrounds could become allies because they could put there differences beside to take care of a person they both dislike. They could settle there differences for a greater cause that is bigger than the both of them. And even though there backgrounds could be different they still could become allies through a war that made there people allies.
Like the old saying say “ Keep your enemies closer than your friends.” I they could use that against each other to become allies. I feel they could do that to become sort of like spies for there countries for there countries. They could do that to get to know about each others people for an attack or war they may wage on each other. That’s just one reason why I think they could be allies to just gain intelligence for there own country and well being.
They could become allies because they could just realize there people aren’t really all that different after all. They could become allies because one of the people could have saved the others life and become friends for life after that. Or even though they could be different in many ways they could be childhood friends thorn away from each other through a civil war and become allies through meeting each other to take out the corrupt government that put there country through so much turmoil.
Basically if they were to become allies in my opinion God wanted it to happen. So if he wanted to happen then there’s nothing you could really say to disagree with his decision. And I believe anything could happen at any time, and day so in real life if two enemies were to become allies it really wouldn’t shook me.

Prompt#1: Explain outdoor living to a person with an apartment in the city

If a person was to ever ask me how outdoor living is different then living in an apartment in the city, I would tell them it’s a very different experience. The main thing I would tell them is that the good part about living outdoors is that you wouldn’t have to worry about paying bills because you would live off the resources of the land. You wouldn’t have to worry about food because you would be able to pick berries and other edible food and be able to hunt for game from day to day.
I would explain to them the beautiful sights and sounds of nature. I would explain to them that at night time how you can just sit outside and enjoy the night sky and stars. Which is just something you can’t do in a apartment in the city. You really cant do that in the city because of all the noise and congestion you experience on a day to day basis. I would tell them how you can just go to the lake and catch a fresh fish and cook it to eat. And how in the city you don’t really get to experience that because all the person would have to do is go to the grocery store and get their fish from there.
Overall I would just tell the person all the pros and cons of outdoor living. I would tell them that there is always a possibility of you getting attacked and killed by an animal such as a bear, or wolf. But I would end the conversation by telling the person that they should at least tryout living outdoors at least once. And if the person didn’t like the experience than they would always be able to go back to the apartment and the city life.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Favorite Nfl player

My favorite football player is Calvin Johnson. He is the star wide receiver for the Detroit Lions. He is a absolute beast on the field. He’s a cornerbacks worst nightmare because of his skill set. Even though he plays for the Lions he still a force to be reckoned with. He is also my favorite player because I use him on madden all the time with whatever team I use.

My Favorite NBA Team

My favorite NBA team are the Los Angeles Lakers. The reason they are my favorite team is because of there dominance they have shown in the league for the past four decades. They have had many dynasties and many championships. Another reason they are my favorite team is because they have Kobe Bryant. Whom you could make an argument is the best player in the league now and possibly the best ever. Overall that the reasons they are my favorite team in the NBA.

My Favorite Basketball Player in the NBA

My favorite basketball player is Dirk Nowitzki. He plays for the Dallas Mavericks and he’s there best player. He is always there leading scorer and he is a dominant rebounder. He is a defensive players worst nightmare because of his skill set and height. He is almost seven feet tall and he is a incredible three point shooter for his size. That’s why he is my favorite basketball player in the league right now.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

If I had superpowers...

If I had superpowers I would want to have super strength. If I had super strength I would use it to protect innocent people in need of help. I would be fun to have super strength I would be able to pick up and move anything I wanted to. But overall I would just love to have super strength because its one of my favorite fictional powers.

Which Is Better A Small Or Large Family?

I think that smaller families are better than bigger families because I feel that smaller families are less expensive to have than larger families. I feel that smaller families are less expensive than larger families because they have less children to take care of then larger families who usually have about four or more children. That’s why I feel families nowadays only have one or two children is just because of the expense it is to raise them from birth till the end of college nowadays.
Many families worry about the cost of things such as college, food, health insurance, life insurance, and etc. It’s better to have a smaller family than a larger one because back then things were a lot affordable than today and people could support families with a half dozen or more children then. Now in this bad economy people can barely afford to take care of only one or two children. I think that because back in the day there were a lot more jobs that paid way better than today. Nowadays more and more companies are taking there businesses overseas and away from the American people who desperately need them.
Smaller families are better than larger families because you have less mouths to feed which means more money you’ll have in your pocket to do fun things such as go on a vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida; go to Hawaii; go on a road trip; or anything that the family wants to do. In larger families you have more mouths to feed and more people to provide for. Which means most of your money would go towards taking care of them and making sure they have everything they need. You really wouldn’t be able to have as many fun vacations or outings as a smaller family would have.
I think you would just have struggle more having a bigger family then a smaller family overall because in reality the parents would have to work more than one job in my opinion which would add more stress on the parents. Whereas smaller family parents could just have one job each and survive and survive more than larger families. But I feel that larger families would just have more responsibilities than a smaller family. I feel having a smaller family gives you more flexibility with your time and schedule. It gives you a chance to go out with your friends to parties or anything y’all want to do. Whereas if you have a larger family you really want have as much time and flexibility to do anything for yourself and go out and party with your friends and enjoy yourself. I feel that way because you’ll always have to do stuff for your kids all the time.
Overall I personally would love to have a smaller families because I wouldn’t want to have that many kids and that kind of responsibility on me. But you can see it for yourself in life today that more and more people are switching to smaller family sizes because of the day to day struggles people endure today in this economic turmoil. That’s how I feel about the situation in my own opinion.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"The time I drowned"

My personal memory of swimming is the time I fell into the swimming pool and drowned. I was three years old when it happened . I almost died but my dad jumped in and saved my life.
I remember I was so scared after that experience that I was afraid to go near a pool for awhile. That experience was one of the worst moments of my life. Even though this event took place almost thirteen years ago, I still remember that day like it happened yesterday. I feel that it’s a miracle I survived the ordeal because if my dad wasn’t outside at the time, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I feel grateful that I survived and I also learned a great life lesson from it.
I learned to always watch out for your surroundings around you and always be careful whenever you are doing something. I say that because the whole ordeal happened because it was my fault. It happened when I was running around the pool for some reason and then I slipped in it. Now whenever I’m around a pool I don’t run around it. And if I do I do it around the seven feet or below area.
Now I actually loves to go to pools. I’m mostly over the experience but I still remember it from time to time. But overall I don’t let the ordeal really affect my life anymore.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Big Brother.

One of the people I have always looked up to and respected my whole life was my brother Marquise. I used to look up to my brother because he always looked out for me and had my back. He was the perfect example of how a gentleman should always care himself. He’s one of the main reasons I even got into playing basketball like I do. He used to ball for Crenshaw back in the early 2000s or late 90s. He was so raw that he could have got a scholarship but I don’t know what happened. Everyone loved and respected him and I strive to be like him everyday of my life. Sadly he was gunned down four years ago on the corner of Slauson and Crenshaw at that gas station. He left behind a loving family and a daughter that was only three months old. She is four now. Although it was a great lost in everyone’s lives that knew him well. I learned a very important life lesson out of it. I learned you most not trust everyone you may call a friend and what goes around comes around. The reason I say that is because he was shot by a guy who disrespected him at this party he had went to that night and avoided confrontation with him and left and got gunned down by him when he was only around the corner from his crib. And my brother was only 20 years old when he died.
Rip Marquise: From your little brother who will forever keep you in his memories and look out for your daughter.

The first thing I want in the morning........

The first thing I want in the morning when I get up is to go back to sleep. I hate my alarm clock with a passion. It always rings at five o’clock in the morning. I always turn it off and go back to sleep. But when I do actually stay up I go brush my teeth, take a shower, make the bed up, and etc. But once and awhile I expect my mom since she is the best cook in the world to cook some breakfast. But that doesn’t always go as planned.

Do You Remember?

Do you remember back in the day when you were a kid and life in general was just simple? When it was summer and you and your family or friends would all have a water fight. And everybody would bring there super soakers and go to war. When you used enjoy a day at the park. Back when the good music and good shows would always come on. Such as the Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power, Recess, and many more. When you would get beatings and whippings daily for dumb stuff. And after that whipping you would go right back to what you were doing because you didn’t care. And to know without all those whippings you wouldn’t be the same person you are today. I know I wouldn’t be, I would still be bad. When you go to parties and hop in the jumper and bring it down. The good old days. Memories you will always cherish from back then. And overall I wish I could just relive my childhood one more time.

My Old House

My old house I used to live in Altadena, California was beautiful house. We had a pool there which we don’t have at the house we now reside in Compton, California. My old house had a game room and air condition. It was a big house with a big backyard and patio in the back. We lived there with to dogs named Jock and Joaquin. I used to love my old house and I still wished I lived there. I have so many good memories there and I will cherish them for the rest of my life.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Does Extraterrstrail Life Exist?

Eric Williams
Period 5
Creative Writing
“Does Extraterrestrial Life Exist?”
I think extraterrestrial life exist on other planets because NASA has found evidence of water and microscopic microbes on Mars. Which may prove that life may once have existed there before the carbon dioxide and other chemicals destroyed its atmosphere and may it uninhabitable. And they found evidence that Mars could have once looked much like Earth. They have found evidence that there was once free flowing water on the surface in the way of finding ancient river canals on its surface. In my own opinion I think complex life once lived on the surface of Mars because from what we know about life on Earth is that where there is water that life can form and survive. And seeing the possibility of water once existing, I believe life once existed on Mars but died off when the atmosphere died off the planet.
They also found evidence of a huge underwater ocean underneath Jupiter’s moon Europa. It’s a moon that erupts with big geysers of fresh liquid water. Scientist think that the odds of finding if not complex life but just regular life forms like microbes are the most promising compared to all the others places in our solar system. In my opinion I think we can find life on Europa. I feel that the life forms we would probably find there in its underwater ocean would resemble our ocean life forms but just look probably more weird or complex looking. The reason why scientist haven’t sent any expedition there yet is because the ice on Europa is to thick and we have to build a machine capable of drilling through it the ice. Once we accomplish that then I will we will finally have an answer to whether there is other life anywhere else besides Earth question answered.
But when it comes to the question does life exist elsewhere in the universe. Most people of religious belief try to avoid it and claim that we are the only beings that exist in the universe. Even though I belief in God and the bible and everything else he does. I still belief that the possibility of more intelligent beings other than us living in this universe is a reality. The universe is to vast for us to b alone in it. Plus, the universe still reveals its many secrets it holds from us consistently and we still have only scratched the surface of it. And some day I believe the universe will reveal its holy grail of secrets to us and show us other intelligent beings other than ourselves. Its just like some people believe that the Big Bang Theory created the universe and everything inside it. While others think that the almighty God himself created the universe and everything inside it. Although I believe God created everything including us I still think that he could have created other organisms somewhere else in the far corners of the universe. That’s why I believe the possibility of life else where is a hundred percent true.

My 2nd favorite music genre: R&B

Eric Williams
Period 5
Creative Writing
“My 2nd favorite music genre: R&B”
R&B is my second favorite music genre because it’s the only other kind of music I listen to other than rap. I like R&B because it got that distinct sound and rhythm to it. My favorite R&B artist of all time are Jagged Edge, 112, Dru Hill, H-Town, Marques Houston, Jodeci, the newcomer to my list Dallas Blocker, and a few more. My favorite R&B song right now is Rock Your Body by Dallas Blocker. And its to many to list the all time favorite ones.
Eric Williams
Period 5
Creative Writing
“My #1 favorite music genre: Rap”
Rap is my favorite music genre because I have been listening to it my whole life. I feel rap is just a way of expressing yourself. My favorite rappers of all time are Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, DJ Quik, Lupe Faisco, Wiz Khalifa, Eminem, Jay Z, 2pac, Biggie, and many more. My favorite songs are Dollar & Sense by DJ Quik, and Cali Life by Nu Jersey Devil, and a lot more. Some people just think that all rappers just degrade women in there music, while many actual use real lyrics that go hard and have nothing to do with degrading women. I love rap and I’m keep on listening and bumping it till the day I die.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Eric Williams
Period 5
Creative Writing
“The I Am Poem”
I am courage and bravery.
I wonder what this world would be without me.
I hear the beautiful sounds of nature.
I see the birds fly.
I want to protect my family and friends from danger.
I am courage and bravery.
I pretend everything is good when its not.
I feel like a caged animal.
I touch the hearts of those I meet.
I worry about nothing, only those I care for.
I cry only when ever I think about my dead brother and dead cousin. But yet I still live my life.
I am courage and bravery.
I understand life comes and goes.
I say live your life to its fullest like there’s no tomorrow.
I dream that one day peace will be restored to this world.
I try to become a better gentleman and help others in need of help everyday of my life.
I hope that when I’m dead and gone that people remember me as a fun loving guy. Who always had courage and bravery.
I am courage and bravery.