Prompt#30: Many schools employ security guards and have installed security equipment such as video cameras and metal detectors in the building. In your opinion, how should security in public schools be handled? Use some specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In my own opinion about school security and how it should be handled deals on what area the school is in. I think that schools shouldn’t even have security around them like that because schools are suppose to be a place for learning and should be a safe environment where kids shouldn’t feel in danger. But I do agree with at least having one or two security guards on the school campus at all times.
But I think if the school is in a real high crime and high murder rate zone then having a metal detector is justified. But if its just a regular school then having a metal detector is unnecessary in my mind. Its unnecessary because if the metal detector picks something harmless like a belt or something and the security guards mistake it for something else. And then they could strip the person down and violate there rights to privacy and then the student could sue. I even feel the same way for the schools that a metal detector would be acceptable that they shouldn’t strip anyone down that crosses through the metal detector and make it go off. They should only do it to known trouble makers and known gangs members. But you should just pat them down instead of ever making them strip down for privacy rights only. That’s what I think about metal detectors being installed in schools.
But I think that school’s shouldn’t have video cameras installed because I feel that invades the kids right to privacy and that you never know what someone may do with the tapes everyday that it would record. We have very sick people in this world today and it’s a possibility that they could try to stock some kids through the video recording program. Some people may put video cameras in the kids restrooms which would cause major problems with the student body and there parents who I know wouldn’t ever accept video cameras being in their kids restroom at school. And then they could use it to there so called advantage an track a kids every movement which in my mind is to much. I would only agree to video camera usage at school is if the school was in a high crime and high murder rate zone. But I would still have places where they shouldn’t ever put them like in normal schools. That’s how I feel about the use of video cameras in school.
Overall I feel that if there’s a slight chance of every form of a security equipment be put an use and it violates there right to privacy then it shouldn’t be used. I understand that there are bullies in every school and other issues many kids deal with on a day to day basis. I feel that kids should be taught how to approach a teacher or adult on issues like bullying, etc so they want be afraid of telling someone about the issue so that the adult can solve it and possibly save a kid’s life in the process. That’s how I feel this security equipment issue should be solved in my own opinion. And just keep the normal one or two school security guards just for extra safety reasons only.
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