If a person was to ever ask me how outdoor living is different then living in an apartment in the city, I would tell them it’s a very different experience. The main thing I would tell them is that the good part about living outdoors is that you wouldn’t have to worry about paying bills because you would live off the resources of the land. You wouldn’t have to worry about food because you would be able to pick berries and other edible food and be able to hunt for game from day to day.
I would explain to them the beautiful sights and sounds of nature. I would explain to them that at night time how you can just sit outside and enjoy the night sky and stars. Which is just something you can’t do in a apartment in the city. You really cant do that in the city because of all the noise and congestion you experience on a day to day basis. I would tell them how you can just go to the lake and catch a fresh fish and cook it to eat. And how in the city you don’t really get to experience that because all the person would have to do is go to the grocery store and get their fish from there.
Overall I would just tell the person all the pros and cons of outdoor living. I would tell them that there is always a possibility of you getting attacked and killed by an animal such as a bear, or wolf. But I would end the conversation by telling the person that they should at least tryout living outdoors at least once. And if the person didn’t like the experience than they would always be able to go back to the apartment and the city life.
really nice helped me a lot in my essay!!!