Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Legend of El Ricky

The Legend of El Ricky all started one day when he was nine years old. It was then that El Ricky began to notice he had superpowers. He realized he had heat vision, super strength, flight, and the ability to use electric attacks from time to time. He hadn’t yet mastered the electric attacks.

When El Ricky realized he had powers he lived in Houston, Texas. El Ricky used to be afraid to use and show off his powers because he felt like it made him a outcast. He felt that he would lose all his friends if they ever found out of his powers. He was scare and he thought they would call him names like freak or something far more worst.

For two years, El Ricky put up with this self imposed punishment. He still hadn’t reveal his true identity to his friends or anybody at that matter. He stayed in a state of silence and confusion. It was a sad situation to be part of accept your powers and lose your friends or accept your friends and suppress your powers until the day you die.

It was a hard decision most eleven years old hope to never have to make in their lives. It was a choice between living a normal life or taking the path that has been laid out in front of you. It took El Ricky about a week to think it over and make the right decision. His decision was from then on to use his powers only in the act of good and to always fight off evil until the day he dies. Brave words for a kid who was only eleven years old at the time.

About a few weeks later after making his decision on his life and powers, El Ricky moved to Las Vegas with his mother.

They bought a house only five miles away from the famous Las Vegas Strip. It was here that El Ricky with a gambling problem already, lost his mind telling his money which machines to play for him.

A few months after moving to Las Vegas, El Ricky had finally come across his first arch rival/ super villain. His name was Blaze. He had been causing trouble in the city for a while now. Robbing banks, stealing cars, murdering people, and etc. Blaze’s powers were basically anything to do with fire.

El Ricky and Blaze’s first of many encounters was in front of a hotel on the Las Vegas Strip called Circus Circus. They fought for the first time to, they were evenly matched until Blaze’s experience got the best of El Ricky. El Ricky was disappointed that he had lost his first battle to the kind of people he swore to defeat and protect the ignescent people against. But he shook it off just training a little harder and mastering his electric attacks better.

Over the many battles Blaze and El Ricky had you could say that they were evenly matched and there win and lost ratio was the same to each other. But about three years later unexpectedly El Ricky lost father had heard about his son’s growing fame. El Ricky’s father’s name was THE Dark Dragon Of La or Just The Dark Dragon for short.

The Dark Dragon and El Ricky sat down and discussed personal matters and business. I got heated over and over again but they always calm down just in time before the other lost it. They discussed why The Dark Dragon was out of El Ricky’s life since birth basically.

The Dark Dragon told El Ricky about how he used to be a super villain that worked for The Dark Angel, and The Golden Samurai. They terrified the whole world for many years still till this date. After a few hours of talking The Dark Dragon told El Ricky he quit when he saw his son being a hero and always saving the day. That brought a tear to El Ricky’s eyes. Then The Dark Dragon gave El Ricky his all red cape because he had earned it in his father’s eyes.

There old super villain group was called the legion of chaos. The Dark Dragon told El Ricky they were on the hunt for him. And about a week later the day of reckoning had finally come. The Dark Angel had caught up with The Dark Dragon. The Dark Dragon would soon realize this would be his last fight ever and that El Ricky would never see his Dad again. But at least he was taught everything his dad knew.

The last sight El Ricky ever saw of his dad was him getting killed and going down with a sense of pride looking at me dead in my eyes before he was killed. After that El Ricky valued to get revenge on The Legion of Chaos at all cost. And from there on a legend was lost in The Dark Dragon but regained in the start of the legacy and legend of the one they simplify refer to as El Ricky.

Eric DeVante' Williams

My name is Eric DeVante’ Williams. I am seventeen years old. I was born November 18, 1993 in Houston, Texas. I moved to California when I was seven months old. I lived in Pasadena a for five years. I lived in South Central, Los Angeles for awhile. I lived in Ladera Heights for two years. I lived in Compton for nine or ten years. I’ve had many pets in my life. I’ve had four dogs, a rabbit, fish, crab, a turtle, and three parrots. My four dogs names were Joaquin, Jock, Jada, and Jaylon. I only have Jaylon now. The other three are either dead or with another family.

I have been in school since I was two years old. From the time I was two years old to seven years old I attended GARR. From the time I was eight years old to thirteen years old I attended Frank D. Parent School. And now I’ve attended City Honors High School for my high school years. And I am a proud graduate of 2011 this year. It is fun to be a senior this year because now you get to experience prom, grad night, and all the other senior activities. And now I must prepare myself for college.

I have been to many different places and states over my lifetime. I’ve been to Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Houston, Texas; Little Rock, Arkansas; Orlando, Florida and Honolulu, Hawaii. I loved all the places. Both of course I love Houston the most because that’s where I’m from. But the other places I love the most are Las Vegas, Orlando, and Honolulu. I love Las Vegas because I love gambling. I love Orlando because when we went we went to Disney World and I loved it. I love Honolulu because of the beautiful sights and their beaches. Its like Los Angeles weather out there.

I have a great sense of humor and a great personality. I am a real chilled person. I don’t trip off stupid stuff and I don’t allow stupid stuff to affect me in a bad way. I am a gentleman to all women. That’s the way I’ve been raised by my parents. And I always show respect to my elders. I am a nice guy. I will always help you if you are in need and if I am available. I always share whatever I have even if it isn’t that much. I value characteristics like loyalty, friendship, trust, respect, pride, and many more that I hold to myself and my life and in the friends I choose to be my best friends.

My life so far has had it share of up and down moments. From the sad moments of losing one of my big brothers, Marquise; and losing my favorite cousin, Quincy. And to all the other loved ones I’ve lost over the years. To proud moments of my life like when I was little and my baseball team reached the championship, and to having meet as many great friends and people I’ve met. And a few of my lifetime goals that I want to accomplish is to one day own a Ferrari, Motorcycle, a mansion, and a Helicopter. But there is a whole new chapter yet to be revealed in my life.


The movies “Colored Girls” and “Out of our father’s house” are about different races of women and the different and similar problems they share. “Colored Girls” is about black women and the problems they face. The setting of it was set in the 1970s. “Out of our father’s house” was about white women and the problems they face. The setting of it was set from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. “Colored Girls” was set in the hood or urban areas. “Out of our father’s house” was set in the rural areas.

They were similar because they both talked about women and their struggles. They are similar because they both talk about at least one women and the love of there lives. They both talk about the struggles of basically being stay at home moms and trying to take care of their babies. They were similar because in both movies they were dancing at some point. They were similar because they both had an issue with a man that was abusive in the relationship.

They were different because of obvious reasons one movie was focused solely on black women and the other movie focused on white women. They are different because in the “Colored Girls” one of the girls children is killed by an obsessed father who wanted to marry their mother. And in “Out of our father’s house” this one girl was forced by her dad to quit high school and get married and have children at the age of twelve years old. They are different because in the “Colored Girls” a lady was raped. And in “Out of our father’s house” no women got raped. Also the “Out of our father’s house” the women were fighting for women’s suffrage and more and better rights among the work place. They showed the film through the Flu Epidemic of 1863 and the Spanish Flu of 1917. Also the women lost men doing theses Flu Epidemics. And the women of “Colored Girls” just talked about getting more equals rights for their race in society and the work place. That’s all I really think about theses to movies and their similarities and differences.

Semester#10 essay

Semester #10 Essay Prompt#22: Carpooling, recycling, and planting trees are all activities that are good for the environment. Write an essay convincing readers to actively participate in one of these activities.

The reason we should all start carpooling, recycling, planting trees, and many more is because of if we do that more than we could all still live our lifestyles and at the same time we could help our planet from succumbing to Global Warming. If we could do all that stuff I would go a long way in protecting environment and saving many species of animals. It would also save many milestones and manmade marvels from going underwater from the melting ice caps of the Artic, Antarctica, and Greenland. People should activity participate in trying to make our environment a better place because they have to life her. And I know they don’t want the air they breathe to get more polluted then it already is.

The reason are air and the Earth is so polluted like it is today is because of all the fossil fuels we use and some natural gases we overuse. If we stop at least overusing our resources. Then the Earth will have a chance for its natural pollution cleaning processes to work and keep a balance between us and our planet. I say that because then we would still be able to do the things we love to do but we would at least clean air to breathe and a more healthier planet.

They say that our sea levels will rise by the end of the century by seven to twenty inches. Which would be devastating for some cities who are just above sea level. That would make part of there city be underwater and force some people to move out and find new homes.

That would all happen just estimated at the rate which global warming is at now. But if we continue down the wrong path we are taking then the devastation will be much greater. Sea levels would rise by many feet basically meaning that sea would swallow up whole cities and make people move out and try to survive or stay in and die.

If we could invest in alternative energies such as solar power, wind power, and salt water plants that could provide electricity for many cities and eventually whole countries. I feel that if we could use our resources more responsibly and end our dependence on fossil fuels and harmful natural gases. Then our hope of bringing our planet out of this uncertain future it holds then it will become much more brighter for it. I feel that once we gain dependence on green technology energies then our hunger and need for energy will be met at an unlimited amount. I feel that it would better society to because it would make jobs that will never end because of the abundance of possibilities that are out there waiting to be untapped.