Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Young Person I see in my mom.

The Yong Person I see in my mom is that of a young woman in a twenty year old mindset in a fifty three year old body. I say my mom is still a young person even though she really isn’t because she acts like it. She still be going out and shopping for hours, she buy clothes that she would buy if she was still in her twenties. But I still love her and will forever love her till the day I die.

My mom still be having fun and is still happy at her age and that’s all you can really ask for. She’s earned the right in a since to do whatever she wants to do and do it in whatever way she pleases. I feel if you have been through all the stuff she’s been through and you have made to live past fifty that you are able to live your life how you want even if it means acting like a age your not.

And plus I feel forever love her because she has raised me most of my life by herself and I’m forever indebted to her for that because she’s the main reason I’m not in the streets in some gang or something. She’s the reason I’m such a gentleman as I am and a respectable man that I am. That’s why I love my mom and the young person that still lives within her.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Prompt#60: Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs are alike because they both are great pets to have. Cats and dogs are similar because they both are fun to watch and have. They both will give good laughs from the funny things they do during there lifetime they spend with you. They both have great personalities. They both have the ability to give birth to babies. They both live very long times and they both life healthy lives. They both protect their owners with there lives. They both mark their territory with there scent. They both can be vicious at times. They both can live on there own and survive. They both show their loyalty and love to there human owners and anyone they truly love.

Cats and dogs are different because one is a feline and the other is a canine. They both are different species of animals. Cats are more sneaky and secretive than dogs. Cats can jump higher than a dog. But a dog can run faster than cat and take down bigger things than a cat. When ever a cat falls it always lands on its feet while when a dog falls it doesn’t always land on its feet.

Overall they are both great exciting pets to own. I would have any one of them as my pet any day. They are similar and different in many ways. So the decision on which one you would want to own or which one you fell is the better pet relies on the individual themselves.

Prompt#59: Dressing infromally and formally

Dressing informal and formally are alike because they both deal with putting on clothes. That’s all I think about how they are alike. That’s all they really have alike with each other.

They have many differences though. For example informal clothes is what around your house. Like a white, with some basketball shorts on. And dressing formally is what you wear when you go to a job interview, or if you have a professional job that consists of you wearing formal attire everyday to go to work for them. Informal attire is what you wear when you chilling outside, hanging with your friends, or just playing basketball or anything that really not that important. Such as you dress formally when you go to a funeral, job interview, professional job in Corporate America, and many other things. Dressing formally means that you have to have a sense of pride and class in what you wear rather than dressing informally means you just throw on anything and you don’t care what you have on to a sense. Plus you have to wear a tie generally when you dress formally. But when you dress informally you don’t have to wear a tie.

Overall I think that even though they both consist of different dress attire they both are alright and cool to wear in my opinion. Just know what kind to dress up in when the occasion comes then you will be alright in life. Because you never want to wear a white tee and basketball shorts to a job interview because you want get a job if you ever do that.

Prompt#58: Foods raw and cooked

Foods that are eaten raw and cooked are both delicious. The difference is that people prefer cooked foods before raw foods any day. Raw foods are usually looked upon as being nasty and disgusting. While cooked foods are usually looked upon as be great in flavor and taste. They difference between them is that cooked foods that longer to make while raw foods you could just eat it as it is. But when you think about it raw foods aren’t all that bad because I’m sure everyone eats raw foods throughout the world. Raw foods consist of delicious fruits, vegetables, seafood, and many other foods. And cooked foods consist of hamburgers, French fries, steaks, and many other foods.

The similarities between them are that they both appeal to people’s taste bugs. They both are looked upon as a delicacies around the world to many different. That’s all I think about on this issue.

Prompt#57: Spicy foods and Sweet foods

Spicy and sweet foods are both very delicious. The differences they share are in there name. Spicy foods are generally spicy and hot when you eat them. Sweet foods are generally sweet. Spicy foods consist of jalapeƱos, peppers, chili, and many other foods. Sweet foods consist of candy, some fruits, cakes, cookies, and many other foods. They both have different textures to them. They both appeal to different cultures taste bugs more than the other. Spicy foods are generally eaten by people who love hot food with a kick to it. And sweet food is generally loved by everyone who eat it anytime of the day. They are different because many restaurants and food places specialize in making each of them separately.

Spicy foods and sweet foods are similar because they both are consumed worldwide by different people. They are similar because they both have a savory flavor and taste. That’s all I can think of that makes them the same.

Overall I think food is food no matter what kind it is. We as people need food to survive. That’s all I really think about this issue.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Prompt#56: How weather affects your mood.

Weather could probably affect your mood depending on the individual themselves. Some people like the weather hot, cold, warm, cool, freezing, and most of us just like a nice day. Weather could affect your mood depending what weather you generally like and dislike. If the weather is how you like it to be then I would think that you would have a good day overall unless someone messed it up for you by doing something dumb and irritating to you. And if the weather isn’t how you like it and is nasty looking to you then it could have you mad or just in a bad attitude the rest of the day.

Weather could affect anyone’s mood in my mind. Because if the weather isn’t how you like it and is nasty looking it could mess up your plans for the day and make you mad as a result. It could mess up plans you had with your friends or family to do something fun or a tradition y’all usually do. That would make me mad if that ever happened to me.

Weather could affect your mood in a good way by just being a nice day or whatever kind of weather you love. Weather could also affect you in a good way if it stays okay and nice when you have something planned to do and you get to do because the weather permits it. Overall weather could have bad or good effects on you but even if it messes up your plans for something it isn’t the end of the world and life will still go on.

Prompt#55: Public Schooling and Home Schooling

Public schooling and home schooling are both alike and different in many ways. Public school there are more kids and in home school there are only a few or just the one person that needs it. People usually make there kids do home schooling because they feel that they will get out of the gang violence there public school may have. Or they may feel that there child will learn more in a home schooling environment. Home schooling and public schooling are similar because they both have a good learning environment for kids. They are similar because they both contribute to a better future and opportunities for our kids.

They are different because at a public school I think you get a better education because of all the resources they have compared to a kid be home schooled. They are different because I feel being home schooled offers a safer environment for a kid then a public school because of all the dangerous stuff that could happen with being around so many other kids. Whereas being home schooled your at your own home being taught the same information but with not as many kids and opportunities for kids to be harmed in dangerous situations they face at public school.

Overall I feel that both options are okay for any kid to get a good education. But the only setback for being home schooled is that you probably won’t have that many friends as you would have at a public school. That all I think about this issue.

Semester#7 Prompt#1: Animals

Semester 7 Essay: Prompt#1: Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others often perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State your position and explain your reasons.

I feel that the medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others that often perform experiments on animals are wrong and distinguishing. The experiments that goes on is just wrong because of all the horrible things they do to these animals nowadays in there laboratory. They do things to monkey’s now in there laboratory to try to cure so called diseases. That I would never wish to happen upon a living creature.

They take the monkey and basically tear there insides apart to test there different organs out to see if it could be used to cure aids or something that is devastating to the human population. Although I understand we need to cure so of these diseases that are devastating to the human population I do not believe killing and mutilating animals is the right way to go about it. Because they feel pain and terror just like us. And in trying to save our race you are killing there’s off with these horrible experiments that do nothing but kill them and find no cure for anything.

They always lie to us and save that these experiments will help us out in the long run. But I have yet to see any improvement in these diseases. People still die every day from it and no sign of a cure is on the horizon. So basically were just killing animals senselessly and with the sign of no end which is ultimately a bad mistake we will regret as human beings.

When the beautiful animals we come to love and respect die off because of our selfish ambitions and desires. And if we continue down this road that we are going down it will extent out from just animals to live human beings being experimented on. Which would just show how low the human race would go down to just to find a cure that doesn’t exist for some of these diseases and especially the man made ones.

Overall I feel that the experiments that goes on nowadays on animals should be banned throughout the whole world. And the crime should be what they do to the animals so they could feel the pain and stress the animal feels on a day to day basis. They should be put in the place of the animal. So they could have a lot more respect for the animal that they do these experiments against. They should realize that they are taking these animals and basically making them insane from all the stuff they go through in a day. They make the animal have diseases and medical problems that they didn’t have prior to all the experiments they did on them. Some are crippled the rest of there lives and others get stuff like diabetes and stuff. Its breaks my heart to see how intelligent we are as a human race but how selfish, uncompassionate, pitiful we are at the same time. That we have all this intelligence and yet we don’t tend to use a lick of it for simple stuff like trying to find a cure for diseases, world peace, world hunger, and all the other bad things that are going on in our society nowadays.

Prompt#54: Understanding and Knowledge

Understanding and knowledge are common but different in many ways. Understanding is when a person gains some sort of grasp on an issue. And knowledge is something you gain throughout your whole life from different experiences you encounter. Understanding and knowledge are similar because they both have to do with learning new things in one way or another. They are similar because they intertwine with each other because you need to first understand something to gain knowledge about it. They are similar because they both you gain both over a time period. You understand something over a time period because you must practice it to get better and understand it more. You gain knowledge over time because you learn new things everyday of your life.

Understanding is different from knowledge because you must first learn it to gain a grasp to understand it. And sometimes even though you may understand something you still may not fully get it. And when you are trying to understand something then you generally don’t have an idea of how it works. Knowledge is different from understanding because when you have knowledge of something it means that you already have an understanding of how it works.

For example, you have the knowledge of how to walk and run when your certain age. But you try to understand how to walk and run when you’re a baby. Overall I think the opinion of what knowledge and understanding falls on the individual themselves. Because not everyone will think the same on this issue.

Prompt#53: The I find the most interesting

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prompt#52: Mr. Berry

The most effective teacher I have ever had in my time attending school was my eleventh grade US History teacher Mr. Berry. He was my most effective teacher because he made the class fun and he actually taught information that will stick with us the rest of our lives. He’s one of a few teachers who actually teaches at my school. He gives a good amount of work while your in his class. But its actually easy if you do your homework, class work, and at least pass all your test. If you do that then you will get a guaranteed a in his class.

The work we used to do would make you think. It was like a critical thinking question that went with everything we did in his class. And that’s good because although we did have our chilled days. For the most part we always had some sort of work to do in that class. He gets you ready for college and the real world. That’s also a good characteristic about him that makes him the best teacher I’ve ever had.

Overall he was my most effective teacher because he made you feel the work load of an actual high school student. And before the eleventh grade it was like a easy ride through school because everyone except for a few teachers before him actually taught us well. Those are the main reasons why Mr. Berry is my most effective teacher I’ve ever had in my time I’ve attended school.

Prompt#51: Not Enough Sleep

If I don’t get enough sleep it will affect my day by making me feel out of it the whole day. Basically I’ll feel too tried and I won’t be able to think straight the rest of the day. Not getting enough sleep would make me cranky most of the day. My tolerance level for most stuff would be at it’s right level. If someone was to do something stupid around me I would probably call them out for it rather than let it go when I get enough normal sleep.

I won’t move around as much because I will feel to tried. I wouldn’t feel like doing any of my work at school. I would just try to go to sleep in each class and I wouldn’t care if a teacher took points off. And at lunch I would just probably find a little area where I would be able to go to sleep. I wouldn’t really care about anything just finding the perfect place for me to sleep would be my sole purpose and mission. Not getting enough sleep would make you slow in the morning when you get up. You wouldn’t move at a normal pace you usually move at.

Overall I feel that if anyone doesn’t get enough sleep then they will have an overall off and bad day. You wouldn’t want to mess with them because they would probably just go off on you. Everyone should always strive to get enough sleep everyday so they don’t feel the after effects of it the next day.

Prompt#50: Favorite Movie

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prompt#49: Learning a New Language

If I were to have to learn a new language quickly because I was going to go study my field overseas. I would use many methods to accomplish this goal. I would try to get a good friend I meet or a good tutor to help me learn the native language. I would try to do everything in my power basically to learn the language as quickly as possible. I would try to master the basics first before I tried to get the hard stuff and just slang and everyday language in their language. I admit it would be hard because trying to learn any new language is hard.

I would try to get a book on the language and teach myself some of it. I would also practice whatever I already knew because practice makes you better at anything. I would study the language like I had a big test that I needed to pass. I would watch tv shows to try and understand how there language works and operates. I would try to understand their culture through it and how there language revolves around there culture. And if it revolved a lot around the culture then that would motivate me to learn the language a little bit more. I would do that to me because since I would be out there for a minute I might as well get involved in there culture and stuff.

Overall I would probably do what I had to do to learn it. I would probably use Rosetta Stone to learn it fast and quick enough to use it when I get there to study my field. I heard it really works good.

Prompt#48: Sittin Sideways by Paul Wall

The music video I would tell my friend about would be Sittin’ Sideways by Paul Wall. I would tell my friend how nice the video was. And how they had candy paint Cadillac’s in Houston, Texas. And how nice they looked and the bass they had in there cars. They had 20 to 24 inch wheels that looked beautiful. I would tell my friend that the beat and the verses were nice by the artist who did them.

I would tell them about the candy paint Cadillac’s because I’m pretty sure they would want to hear about them. They would also want to see them on the video so they could make there own decision on how they perceived the cars themselves. And I would tell them about the bass they had in there cars because most of my friends like bass anyway. And if they were to see the bass systems some of the people had in the video they would like it. They would probably want to buy the bass systems for themselves one day so they could experience the bass power for themselves. I would tell them about the cars looking nice because they really did look nice. And I think that they would for the most part agree with me on that statement.

Overall I would tell them to watch the video for themselves. That it had everything in for them to see including beautiful women. And everyone loves that part about it. That’s all I would tell them.

Prompt#47: Teenage Fads

Prompt#46: Animals and Humans

The relationship between an animal and a person is a great bond that is hard to break. It’s close to a mother and daughter or father and son bond that some people share with there animals. Some if not most people treat there animals too good to the point where the animal is spoiled. But I think that all bond between people and animals stems from something that happened in the past between the person and animal. Because it just doesn’t come out of anywhere. The animal and person has to have some sort of characteristic they both share to get the kind of bonds most people have.

People buy there animals nowadays anything that animal wants. People buy there animals outfits and all the toys the animal can take. But our animals show us the outmost love and respect day in and day out. There loyalty is unmatched by anybody or anything in the animal kingdom. People and animals could have developed there love and trust for each other when one of them saved the others life from a certain death situation. That could be one reason for a person and animal having a good bond between each of them. The animal or person could feel indebted to the person or animal that saved its life. I know I would if someone ever did that for me.

Overall I feel that the relationship between a animal or person could fall from something traumatic events in either one of there lives. And there need to find comfort and protection from it. That also could be a reason for the relationship between a animal and person.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Prompt#45: The three most luscious, and decadent desserts

There are many luscious, decadent desserts I can think of. But the main three I would choose are vanilla ice cream with peaches and cream, vanilla ice cream with cherries and strawberry topping, or just strawberries covered with chocolate and whip cream. I would choose the vanilla ice cream with peaches and cream because it sounds like it would taste delicious. The taste of it would probably be one of the best you ever had for dessert in your life. Plus I would have my favorite ice cream flavor in vanilla along with good peaches with cream. It would be a dessert nobody could resist.

I would choose the vanilla ice cream with cherries and strawberry toppings because it seems like it would hit. I would probably hit more with the woman then the men any day. If you were just to order that at a restaurant you would probably make other people want to buy it just to see how good it really tastes. I think it would taste alright to me. I would consider it my third favorite out of the three I choose. That’s how I feel about that dessert choose.

I would choose the strawberries covered with chocolate and whip cream because everyone loves strawberries. And if you cover them with chocolate and whip cream you would make them that much better. I would probably rate this my number one pick out of the three I choose. I would rate it my number one dessert because I feel this is one everyone’s top three dessert’s list.

Prompt#44: Life without cell phones

Modern life without cell phones would be dramatically different. But I think people would just be on the computer more and be emailing there friends instead of texting them on there cell phones like they do nowadays. I think some people wouldn’t survive without there cell phones and others would just go on with there regular lives like nothing ever happened. But I really think most people wouldn’t care if cell phones existed or not. They would find better things to do with there lives and they would be more productive to there communities. Kids would be outside playing more and we wouldn’t have as many obese kids that we have nowadays anymore because they all would be out doing something with there friends.

People would just go to the movies more. People would go out and hang with there friends more because they really wouldn’t have a choice. It’s either that or just be bored all everyday of your life. People would probably play on there game systems a little more. But not as much as you would think with cell phones gone forever. Cell phones would only be missed by those dedicated people that used them every second and day of there lives.

Overall I think cell phones would eventually fade away as history goes on. I think of everything having a time and a place when it will be here or be gone. That’s how I basically feel about cell phones and there value or worth to this society in general.

Prompt#43: Venice

I want to visit Venice because its such a beautiful city to me. And I’ve heard so much about it’s beauty. I would love to visit there and just take a ride on a boat through there lovely canals with my wife and children. I would love to show them how beautiful the city is. Its one of my life goals is to visit Venice one day before I die. It could be any day when I get out of college. It could be when I get rich and wealthy.

If I didn’t go with my wife then I would also go for their woman. I hear that they are so lovely. I would want to see up close and personal for myself. I would love to just chill and relax in the nice sun light with a beautiful Venice woman in one of those boats through the canals. I hear that they also got beautiful homes and building out there. If that’s true then Venice would truly be one of the most beautiful places on the Earth. I would love to go there and try there food. To see if it was delicious. I would probably try there seafood the most while I’m there. I would probably eat it the most because I know they get it fresh from the ocean since they right near the ocean and port of there city.

That’s the city I would want to visit the most. I would love the experience. And if I had my family with me it would make the experience that much better.

Prompt#42: Another College

The task that you need to complete before you attend college in another state aren’t all that difficult. It’s actually simple. The only task you would really find difficult is moving in itself away from home and moving your belongings such as a car, and etc to your new spot on the college in another state. Also you would need to transfer jobs to the new state near your college if you could. And if you couldn’t then you would need to make finding a job your first priority next to moving your regular and personal belongings.

You would need to tell your best of friends about the move and say all your goodbyes until you come back to visit them. You would probably want to go out with them one last time before you move. And another task would be that you would need to make new friends once you move to the new state were you would attend college. You would need to find out all the good places to eat and just overall good places to go and shop. You would need to find out what clubs be popping. You would overall just need to learn your way around the city.

Overall the tasks you would need to complete would just be mandatory task to complete that goes with moving to another state to attend college. That’s what I would do. But it ultimately falls on the individual themselves on what they need to do. That’s how I feel overall about this issue.

Prompt#41: The Best Bday Party Ever

If I were to create a birthday party for my best friend that he would remember for the rest of his life. I would use everything especially that the person loves such as there favorite color, and etc. I would ask questions to see what would make the person remember the day for the rest of their lives. I would ask what kind of present would the person want for there birthday. If it were something like a car or something then I would find a way to get it for them. I would invite all the person’s friends to the party so the person would feel that I tried everything in my power to make the party one he would remember for the rest of his life.

I would get the help of some good designers and some more of the person’s good friends to help. But really in truly all help would be accepted from anyone. I would really try to make sure everything was prefect for the person. I would try to make it look good as good as I could because I know I would want the same if it was suppose to be a party I remember for the rest of my life.

Overall I think the person would like and enjoy themselves at the party. They would like everything me and the people that helped did with it. The person would like that we incorporated their favorite color into the party’s theme. It would truly be a party that the person would remember the rest of their lives.

Prompt#40: The 90s

If I were to choose a decade to live in I would choose the 90s. I love the 90s first of all because I was born in the 90s. I was born on November 18th, 1993. I love everything about the 90s. The music, vibe, and all the good memories I have from them. I love the music such as the rap, r&b, and the rock from then. The artist I love from the 90s rap wise are Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Kurupt, Nate Dogg, Mack 10, DMX, Eminem, Nas, Jay-Z, Luniz, Too Short, Tupac, Biggie, Eazy-E, Bone thugs n harmony, Ice Cube, and 50 cent. Some of the groups I liked were the Hot Boyz with Lil Wayne, Juvenile, BG, AND Yung Turk.

The vibe of the 90s was a overall great feeling because it felt like everything was all good and nothing bad would ever happen. I used to like to go out to the park. I used to like to go out to the cookouts and swimming pools in the summer. Back when everybody would bring out there supersoakers and go to war. And the memories from the 90s are endless. I still wish things were still like they were in the 90s. The 90s will forever life on in everyone’s mind.

Overall I feel that I would live in the 90s for those reasons only. And the fact that I was so young and had a lot of more energy then. And plus more of my loved ones that are now dead I would get to see them one more time and cherish more time with them.

Prompt#39: Appreciating your parents

The reasons you should appreciate your parents is because they do everything for you. They have taken care of you since your mom gave birth to you. They feed you, they put a roof over your head, and they protect you all the time. You could say there the reason why you are still alive. You always love and respect your parents in my own opinion. You should appreciate your parents for feeding you because they don’t have to do it. They choose to do it because they love you and want you to live. Because if they didn’t care about you they could give you up when you are born to the orphanage or foster home.
You should appreciate your parents for putting a roof over your head because they also don’t have to do that. They do it because of all the love they have for you. If they didn’t care about you they could just leave you outside in the elements and let you die in the harsh environment. They could let you freeze to death or burn to death in the sun. But they have the compassion for you that only a parent could have for one of there own kids. The kind of love and bond that only a parent and there kids have. The kind that everyone tries to get throughout there lifetime but some never find it.
 Overall that’s how I feel about appreciating your parents. I feel you should always show love to your parents. And you should always do what they ask you to do.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Prompt#38: The new person from a different country

If I were to write an article about a person from another country who just came to the United States of America. I would write about a variety of issues about the person and the challenges in everyday American society and life that he faces. I would write about how different America is from his homeland and the costumes he is used to following. I would write about his challenges in trying to learn the English language. I would write about his culture from his homeland and the difference in American culture. I would write about the man made marvels that he that he sees and how astounded he was to see them up close and real life.

I would write about his challenges in American society appose to his society because I feel that he
would meet a real culture shook in how Americans do certain things and how he used to do it in his society in his homeland. I would talk about how different his costumes are from his society compared to American society because of how differently we as Americans do stuff compared to a lot of other different cultures throughout the world. I would write about his difficulties in trying to learn the English language because it’s a proven fact that the English language is the hardest language to learn in the entire world . And it has a lot of different words and different meanings for them to learn. Also some of the same spelled words could have different meanings with the same spelling.

Overall I would just write about his everyday life experiences. I would write about relevant issues about his life. That’s all I would really do about that issue.

Prompt#37: Preserving Family History

The kinds of questions you ask older family members to try to preserve the family history is the kind of questions that they can answer about the past. I would ask many questions if I were to preserve my family’s history. I would ask how things were back in the day when they were in the younger days. I would ask how our old family members used to act. The ones that I never heard about and the ones that died when I was a baby.

Family history is worth going through anything to preserve because it gives you a since of identity about your family and the person you most resemble in the family. And if you don’t preserve your family history then you are basically throwing away your family traditions and family heritage. Your basically throwing away all the hard work that your family put into making your family as rich in history as it is. And its basically disrespecting your ancestors who lived before you.

Overall I think you would just ask relevant and important questions about your important questions. I would try to ask them questions about things they could remember clearly and be able to explain to me clearly. I would ask them questions about there parents and see how they were. I would ask everyone about certain events like old family reunions and stuff to see how they each would explain it to me. They would all probably tell me funny things that happen that day. They would probably tell me about one of my family members being drunk and talking a lot of stuff to everyone in the house.

Prompt#36: The right college

The right way to choose the right college ultimately depends on the individuals themselves and what they like and dislike about certain things. For some people the place has to have good weather year around. For example, if you lived in California your whole life then you would generally pick a college in a state that has the same weather as California. You wouldn’t pick a college to go to in New York because they aren’t use to the extreme cold winters they be having. The only way I could see someone going there would be if they always wanted to go there or the field they want to go in is a field that a New York college specializes in.

Another way to choose the right college is just following your hearts decision. If your heart tells you to go to a certain place then something good may happen to you down the road someday. Another way could be the prestige level of the college you want to attend. For example you wouldn’t want to attend The University of Fresno over Yale or Harvard if you wanted to go to a prestigious college. You would want to attend Harvard or Yale because there some of the most prestigious colleges in the world.

Also location in general could be a way to choose the right college for you. Whether you want to go to a college that’s close enough to home were you could go back whenever you wanted to go. Or whether you want to go to a college far away from home and your parents because you want that since of independence. That’s all I think that would go into choosing the right college.

Prompt#35: Master Plan

There are many plans that could be used to make my community a better place to live. One would be a treaty between all gangs. That would be a good plan because if you get rid of the gang violence in my community then it would be a much better place to live then it is now. Kids would be able to play outside without always wondering if they will get shot at by a rival gang member. It would be a better place to live because now gang members would be able to take care of there families and make a change in there community. They could tell the younger generation that gang banging isn’t what they should be doing. It tears families apart. It brings drugs in the community that destroys the neighborhood. That’s why getting rid of gangs would ultimately make my community a better place to live.

Also rebuilding my community would make it a better place to live. If we were to rebuild old houses and old community centers then it would kids something to do afterschool and it would be like a safe haven for them. It would be a safe haven for them because they could have an abusive household or something that they just need to get away from time to time.

Overall anything good would help my community become a better place to live. And any help to make it a better place to live would be gladly accepted. That’s how I feel about my community becoming a better place to live.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Prompt#34: A typical day of my life

A typical day of my life first involves getting up in the morning. Because if you don’t get nothing is going to happen first of all. Then when I get up I go brush my teeth and wash my face. After that I take a shower and make sure I’m fresh and clean for school. After that I put on my deodorant and tag. Then I put on my clothes for the day. Then make sure I have everything for school like homework, and school materials.

After all of that I go feed my dog and rabbit. Then I leave to go to school. Once I get to school I just chill and relax till my first or second period starts. Then I go in there and learn something new each day. I do my work and maintain my good grades in all the classes I have. At lunch I chill with my friends and eat something. I try to find something to get into but our school has nothing to do at lunch. Its just straight boring everyday. Then I go to fifth or sixth period once lunch is over. And do my work for those classes so I can get out and go home to chill, do homework, and etc.

Once school is over I go home. Once I finish all the work I need to do. Once I do everything school and chore related I play a game on my ps3. And if I’m not doing that I’m a movie or texting one of my friends.

Prompt#33: I hate vegetables

There just isn’t one vegetable I truly dislike. I don’t like most of them. Vegetables to me should be taken off the face of this Earth. Vegetables are nasty to me and I don’t have an acquired taste for them at all. I don’t think I will ever have an acquired taste for them unless they were the only edible food source on this planet. I hate green beans, peas, squash, and etc.

I hate green beans because they don’t appeal to me or my taste bugs. They look nasty. And every time my parents fix them they always have to force me to eat them because I really want bother to eat them at all. Green beans are a vegetable I have hated since I was little. I remember I got a whipping when I was little because I throw them up. They were discussing.

I hate peas because I just don’t like them. They also are discussing to me. I have never thrown up while eating them. But they still taste weird to me. My parents force my to eat them too. But I rather them then green beans or squash any day of my life.

I hate squash because its really discussing and it tastes really nasty to me. They suck in the vegetable world. If you haven’t tasted it yet I bet when you try it you’ll hate it just like me. That’s the one vegetable I wouldn’t eat if it were the last edible thing on this planet. I would rather die then spend the rest of my life eating that stuff.

Prompt#32: Summer

My favorite season is summer. Summer is my favorite season because it’s the season were you get to chill and relax. You could go out and hang with your friends anywhere you want to go. You could go to the park, go to the beach, go to the mall, and etc. You could go to the beach just for a nice walk in the beautiful sun. You could go just to get in the water, play volleyball with your friends, or just ride your bike or something.

Summer is also my favorite season because its one of the only times I get to see my family in Houston. I love the summer because it gives me an opportunity to catch up with my family members I rarely get to see. Summer is my favorite season because you could just go chill and relax in a swimming pool. You go to the movies and see any movie you want to see. I think everyone’s favorite season is the summer based on the simple fact that school is out and you don’t have to worry about it at all. And you get to just party till you cant party anymore.

Also summer is my favorite season because it gives you more time to hang with your friends that you don’t usually get to hang out with. I feel that summer should be longer than the three months it is. But overall summer is one of those seasons that everyone loves simply because of all the things you could do and the way it allows you to spend more time with your family and friends.

Prompt#31: Family

Family is the most important thing that you should always keep in your life. The kinds of problems that brothers and sisters that despise each other with a passion could result in a variety of problems. It could cause the family to split apart. It could make the parents divorce and take the kids apart from each other for life. The father would probably take the brother and the mother would probably take the sister. That’s one of the outcomes that could happen.

Also the problems that occur would be that one of the them could kill each other if they get into a fight one day. That would be devastating because it would be a situation that could have been avoided if one of the parents would have easily stepped in and stopped it. Another problem could be that the parents have a favorite child and the one that’s not the favorite could get tried of it. The one that’s not the favorite could just want the same love and affection that the favorite child receives. But if the child doesn’t get the love and affection the child would just slash out at the source of the problem in there mind, the favorite child.

And that kind of thing could make the child not want to ever be part of the family for as long as the child lives once they move out. And that would be devastating because then the parents and the sibling and the rest of the family would never see that child again. That child could turn into a serial killer, and etc from not having enough affection shown to them as a child. The only way in my mind for this issue to be resolved would be that the parents would have to step in and end it themselves.

Prompt#30: New state of the art computer

If I were to buy a new state of the art computer I would first make sure I was making the right decision in buying it by researching about the model on the Internet. I would make sure it didn’t have any malfunctions about it that would make the company recall it back. I would read the comments about the model on the company website and try to find out if it was overall a good investment or not. If it was a good investment I would buy it then begin the process of putting it together to make it work right.

Once the model arrived at my house I would then read the steps book to make sure I do everything right. I would also be excited that it finally came. And once I finish putting it together. I would then test it out to see if I were really to get everything that the company promised with the newer model. I would expect HD type imagery on the screen of the computer. I would expect actual high speed internet and not that false fast one. The ones that go super slow. I would expect the latest models for things such as word processor, and so on.

Overall if it performed like it was suppose to then I would be very proud. That the company finally backed up what they said they would do for the newer model. And after that I would probably buy my kids a separate one each. And me and my wife would just share the same one unless she wanted her own one to.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Semester 6 essay: Prompt#26: Should athletes be paid as much as they earn?

In today’s society becoming an athlete means you are guaranteed big bucks. I feel that athletes deserve all the money they are getting nowadays. I feel that way because of the high risk of injury they face every game they go out and play. Athletes have the highest risk of being injured out of all jobs in the world in my mind. I feel that way because they could be injured in a freak accident or on purpose by there opponents game by game they play. To get anyone with a passion or not to put there bodies at that risk in anything especially in sports you have to pay them big bucks in the millions.

They deserve that amount of money because if they do get injured real bad to the point they cant play the sport anymore. Then they will at least have enough money to take care of themselves and pay for themselves a college education. Then they would be okay because of all the money they earned and saved up from the sport they played to still be successful in this world in whatever they want to do. They deserve all that money because if they one of the best at the sport they play then they should be paid like it. And seeing that most athletes earn around a million plus. Then they should be paid in the tens of millions seeing that would only be fair because in the real world the better work you produce the more money you can charge and earn.

In real life Peyton Manning the quarterback for the Innadapolis Colts earns one hundred million dollars over a seven year deal period because he is the best player in the NFL rite now. Plus, he been a dominate player every since he came out as a rookie in the 1999 NFL season. He’s been awarded a lot of pro bowl selections and MVP of the league a record four times so far in his career. In his case and our great athletes of there sports they deserve all that amount of money because they have to lead there teams to the championship and win it. Which most of them usually do.

In basketball they play 81 or 82 games not including if you make it to the playoffs. There risk of being injured is higher than your post office work who does paper work. So therefore, they have a right basically to get paid more than the post office worker because you never know how long your career could last in sports. And so the millions they get paid pays for everything that a normal person pays. Such as things like health care, life insurance, and bills. Plus they aren’t going to play there sports for forty something years unlike normal job having individuals who get to work for they job for forty something years and then get paid retirement money when they retire.

Athletes don’t get paid retirement money. So they basically have to manage the millions of dollars they accumulate throughout there career and make it last for as long as they life after they retire. So they basically have earned the respect of most people to earn the millions they earn because of all the challenges they face. That’s how I feel oveall about the issue.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Prompt#29: College Admission

            If you were to take a college admission test I would need to study everyday and all night for like a week straight. I would look back over all my information from eighth grade to twelve grade year. I would make studying techniques to study all that information. I would use index cards, old textbooks, old notes, and I would also call my old teachers to see if they would have time to go over old information with me. That’s one of the things I would do to achieve a passing grade for the college admission  test that I need to pass for getting into college.
            I would make it a priority to make sure I stay up to study any information needed for the test. I would make sure that I get my friends and parents to help me relearn the information because it would be crucial that I get all the help I could get. I would also accept anyone who wanted to help me. I would thank them and everything I would also tell them if they needed anything that I would have them.
            If I were to pass the test and make it into the college I wanted to make it into. I would thank everyone who helped me achieve the success. And when I make it big I would treat everyone that helped me pass the test. Overall that’s how I would feel about the situation. I would also be forever thankful for anyone who helped me. And I would also give back to there communities when I become wealthy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prompt#28: How to end a relationship

If you want to end a relationship there are many ways to do it. One way is that you could take her away in a private area and just tell her how you feel and why its over. That way you could discuss your problems and not have to worry about other people interfering with your conversation with her. That would be a nice way of breaking up in a relationship. Another way could be you telling her over the phone because you would still have the privacy factor on your side and you could still talk about the problems that both of y’all have in the relationship. And still solve them if you still want to be back together.

Another way you could end a relationship is tell them its over after a bad argument you could have had with the person. You could also text them that it is over but that would be one of the coldest ways to break up with somebody. I would probably mad if that ever happened to me like that. Another cold way would be telling someone else to tell the person that its over for you. That would also piss me off and make me mad. I wouldn’t be mad at the fact that the person got a another person to tell me instead of herself to tell me that it is over.

Overall I think the issue would fall on the individual themselves. And how they handle issues like that in there own way. That’s how I feel overall about how to break up with a person.

Prompt#27: How to make a new friend

You could make new friends many different ways. I say that because there really are many different techniques that could be utilized to make new friends. One way to make a new friend is that you could just talk to them to get to know them better. You could do that to get to know there personality and there dislikes or likes about how they feel overall about life. You could make a new friend by talking to them everyday and telling them stuff about you and vice versa. You could make a new friend by inviting them to a party or to the movie theaters to help establish the friendship you want with that person.

You could make a new friend by going on field trips or road trips with that person to get to see how they act when they are out having fun. You could make new friends online nowadays on websites like Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook. That’s how many people meet there new friends nowadays. I think it’s a okay way to meet a new friend because most people don’t have social skills like people had back in the day. So any way of making a new friend is okay with me as long as its used for the right purposes and not negative purposes.

But overall those are the main ways to meet a new friend in today’s society. But I have no problem with it I still make friends the old fashion way and meet them face to face. I like to get to know them and there’s personalities and stuff. But overall its okay with me either way people make friends as long as they enjoy themselves.

Personal Essay

A time I confronted disappointment was a time I got a bad grade on my test. I thought I was going to do good but I ended up failing because I went brain dead on the information and couldn’t remember any of it. I was so mad at myself because I knew the information but I had just forgot it and that had never happened to me before so I was devastated. Every since then I have improved my memory process and now I rarely go brain dead on any test. If I don’t do good now its because I don’t understand the information at all.

But after that situation I now learned to always study the information so that you don’t forget it. Its worked for me every since that day and I will use it on any test I take the rest of my life. I learned a lot that day like to never take a test to likely because anything could happen to you during it that could make you fail. I think everyone should use the methods I use to study now and then everybody would pass there test with no problem.

They could use index cards, there notes, there peers in a study group, and many more techniques. If they use them it could improve there memories and make them more confident of taking test now. Instead of being scared like most people get when they take test. They would like taking them more than with no problem.

The Time I Was Misjudged

The time I was misjudged was when people automatically think I’m up to no good, a gang member, or just think I’m stupid. People think I’m up to no good when they don’t know me. They think I will steal something from them without them even knowing me. I hate when I’m followed in the liquor store by people who be thinking I’m about to steal something from there store and they don’t follow or look at anybody else in the store. They basically just stereotype me on what I wear and how I look but I’m actually a nice guy once you get to know me. That’s one time I was misjudged by people.

People think I’m a gang member because of the way I walk and stuff and automatically think I’m not trustworthy or a good person. They put there phones and stuff up like I have intentions on stealing from them when in reality I don’t even steal. It just them judging me based on all the negatives they can pick out of me but never the good. I think people should get to know one another before they start judging and stereotyping each other in my opinion.

And the way I look people just think I’m dumb. But in reality I’m one of the smartest kids that most people know once they get to know me. But I think that it isn’t always the person fault but that they grow up in areas and households where people tell them what to think of certain people. But I think that they should be allowed to experience the world for themselves so they can see what they were taught was wrong.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Prompt#26: Favorite Games.

My favorite game is Madden. My favorite game is Madden because I love football. I also like the graphics that the game has. You could consider it state of the art. I love to play as my favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. My favorite player on the team is Alex Smith. I like Alex Smith because he is a good player if used right in my mind. Plus he’s an athletic quarterback that has the speed to take off and run for a big gain of yardage. Plus on the team he has a good defense and a good running back. The best player on the defensive side of the ball for them is Patrick Willis there middle linebacker. He’s the fastest middle linebacker on the game. There running back is Frank Gore. He is a good running back because he has the power and speed to make big plays happen.

I’ve played Madden every since they came out with Madden 95. I’ve been hooked since then. Another game I like is NBA 2K8. I love it because I love basketball also. I like the graphics they use on it to. My favorite teams to play with are the Los Angeles Lakers, and the Dallas Mavericks. My real favorite team is the Los Angeles Lakers. They been my favorite team every since I was little. But I like the Dallas Mavericks because my favorite player is Dirk Nowitzki. He’s been my favorite player every since he came into the league. He’s been a dominant power forward and 3 point shooter throughout his whole career.

Overall they are my favorite games because I liked the games every since I was little. I like the way they give you real stats about the players. That’s the reason I really like the games I choose.

Prompt#25: Prejudice

The causes of prejudice could be attributed to the individual themselves and the environment they grew up in or live in. Although most people say that prejudice doesn’t exist like it used to anymore. I would disagree with that because although we are making a great step towards racial equality and racial acceptance in this nation. I think that prejudice still exists on the basic fact that everyone experiences it still throughout there lifetime. Some people experience it point blankly, while others experience it at a work place or other places not in there face but to the point where you know it’s happening. Another cause of prejudice is that some people learn it from a skinhead organization that may be part of. They may need to be prejudice to be part of it. And another cause could be that most people from the days when prejudice was a normal way of life could teach there kids and grand kids negative stereotypes to go off of different races on.

The effects of prejudice is that it could cause long term mental and physical damage to the victim. The effects of prejudice could be that the victim could commit suicide because of all the racial harm and slurs the person hears on a daily basis. Those are a few actions and effects the person could do from prejudice.

Overall I think that prejudice is something that shouldn’t exist. I feel that way because first of all its America that’s suppose to be the land of freedom and that prejudice should be against the law. That’s all I basically feel about the issue.

Prompt#24: Impulse Buying.

The causes and effects of the impulse buying could range from a variety of things. I think one of the causes of impulse buying is that the person could just have to much money and have nothing to do with it. And if they don’t give it to charities or something, then they would just spend it on unnecessary things. Another cause could be that it’s a family passed on issue that the person observed from their parents at a young age and picked it up as they got older. Another cause just could be that the person is just a dedicated shopper that will buy anything that they want to own. I would go as far to classify it as a disease now because so many people live with it in our generation.

The effects of impulse buying is that it could leave you broke and destroy your life. It could leave you broke because you could spend literally all of your money on worthless materialistic items. It could destroy your life because it could tear you and your family apart, it could make you lose your house and other valuable goods and items. You could start stealing money from people to fill your hunger and need for money to continuously buy things. Impulse buying could cause mental and physical damage to you. Impulse buying could make you do a lot of things that you will eventually regret later on in your life.

Overall I think impulse buying is a bad quality to have seeing all the negative effects of it affect on you more than the positive effects of it if it has any. I’m glad I don’t know anybody that has it because I wouldn’t know how to deal with it as there friend or family member. That’s all I feel about the issue of impulse buying.

Prompt#23: Explaining pollution to a vistor from another planet.

If I were to have to explain pollution to a visitor from another planet I would explain the deadly effects of pollution to them. I would tell them how it has attributed to Global Warming and the destruction to many species of animals. I would tell the visitor that he shouldn’t stay on Earth because of all the pollution that would soon raise the temperature of the planet and its ocean. It would melt the ice caps and raise the ocean levels to an unheard of amount. It would put most of our greatest cities on the planet underwater. It would put cities like London, Los Angeles, Houston, New Orleans, Miami, and many more cities underwater. I would say that civilization as we know it would face the greatest problem it has ever known.

I would tell him that the air quality on the planet is poor and bad. I would tell him that he would develop diseases and life threatening conditions such as lung cancer or something. I would say that problem is a man made threat and issue.

I would say that it originated from the boom of our country during the Industrial Revolution. It also comes from the amount of oil, coal, and other bad energy sources we use. I would tell him that pollution is an issue that we need to deal with as soon as possible because if we don’t the planet will heat up on a dumb level. I would tell him that we need to less our dependence on oil and coal. And use energy sources like wind power, solar power, and hydroelectric power too. Once we use them then I would tell him that he would be able to accept and watch the full beauty of our planet. Also the air quality would be excellent and pollution would be held to minimum.

Prompt#22: Life without computers.

Modern life would be different without computers because we all have come accustomed to using them. They have been around us every since we were born. They now can be used on our cell phones and game systems. They help us with research projects and the computer nowadays is the source of all knowledge.

If we didn’t have computers whenever we would have to do a research paper then we would have to go to the library and find the information ourselves. If we didn’t have computers then I think people would be a lot smarter then we are today. If we didn’t have them we probably wouldn’t have the kind of technology we have available today. We wouldn’t be able to type our papers up on the computer and we would have to hand write everything we would have to do. Computers are essential to life among us now but I feel we would be able to adapt well like we always do. Computers are just material items that should have no value what so ever because all that matters in life is your family, friends, and the ability to always enjoy themselves and have a good time.

Overall I think computers wouldn’t be missed by anyone because people would just find better things to do with there lives. I feel our kids wouldn’t be as obese as they are today because they would have no choice but to go out and play. Then they would be a lot healthier. That’s all I feel that would happen if computers didn’t exist anymore. People would just go on with there lives like nothing ever happened.

Prompt#21: What makes a person a good driver?

The techniques that makes a person a good driver is there ability to practice all the time. Because practicing anything makes a person good at it. Another technique that makes a person a good driver is there ability to always be watchful of there surroundings. If you pay attention to the road then your chances of having a accident are basically none existent. Driving well and safely in bad conditions such as heavy fog, rain, snow, and other conditions. If you do that then you will be considered a good driver because that would mean you value your life and others around you. Plus it’s good to drive well in bad conditions unlike some people who drive like it’s a normal day and drive way to fast.

Another technique that makes a person a good driver is there ability to stay calm in pressure situations and follow all the rules to driving. For example, to drive slow when around a school zone or stop at every red light unless you are in a real rush. Also letting people cross the street other than just keep on driving is a good thing that makes a good driver. Always driving within the speed limit and wearing a seat belt at all times makes you a good driver. Also patience makes you a good driver because then you wouldn’t catch road rage as easily.

Behaviors that make you a good driver is passing on your good behavior skills and driving skills to your kids so they could be good drivers. Also being a good driver takes a good driver takes a good mindset to always do the right things. That’s all it takes to be a good driver in my own opinion.

Prompt#20: Dirk Nowtizki

My favorite sport’s figure is Dirk Nowitzki who plays basketball in the NBA for the Dallas Mavericks. Although he hasn’t won a NBA Championship, he’s accomplished a lot in his career so far. He’s won a NBA three pointer shootout, the Most Valuable Player In The NBA award, and he has gone to the All Star game many times because he has been voted to go a lot. He one of the greatest players in Dallas Maverick history.

Dirk Nowitzki grew up in a rough neighborhood as a child in Germany. And that’s an event that led to his success to the NBA. Also his love and talent in basketball made him want to succeed to make it to the NBA and have a great career. I would say that his childhood led him to the success he has had in basketball because it made him even more hungry and determined to get out of the neighborhood and do something with his life.

His childhood is a major part of his success because as a child if you grow up in rough and bad neighborhood you will want to do anything to get out of there and get some sort of success. Thankfully the way Dirk got out was through his passion of playing basketball. He is a very talented big man at the power forward position he plays because of his versatility at the position. He’s a good at rebounding and he has an amazing shot. I think overall his childhood is the only thing that made him want to get out and become success like he has over the past twelve years he’s been in the league

Prompt#19: A Special Thing About Me

The thing that is special about me is my heart and my willingness to help anybody in need of help. Both of those are a special quality about me that makes me a unique individual because both of those qualities are things that most people are lacking nowadays. My heart makes me a good person because it’s good and it will never change on you. It will always be the same day in and day out. My heart and willingness to help anybody in need of help has earned me a lot of respect from my peers and older people I know.

My heart is what makes me a unique individual because it guides me in the right way and keeps me out of trouble. You could also say its one of the reasons why I am still alive till this day. It helps me choose the right decisions all the time and it helps me distinguish what’s wrong to do and what’s the right thing to do. That’s the reason why my heart is what makes me an unique individual.

My willingness to always help those in need of help makes me a unique individual because it’s a quality that I am well known for by all my friends and family members. I help most people with whatever they need and I never ask for anything back in return because I never need anything back for what I decided to help them with. With some people it’s a favor but for most of the time its just because they are my friends or family members. I help them because it’s the right thing to do most of the time. That’s the reason why my willingness to help those in need is a quality that makes me a unique individual.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Prompt#25: Should you go to college after high school or not?

If you were to ever ask me if a person should go to college right after high school I would say that it depends on the individual themselves. I would say that because first of all some people want to get college over with as soon as possible and others want to take a break for awhile before they dedicate themselves to college. And some people don’t want to go to college altogether.

In my own opinion of what I would do is go right after high school because I know I wouldn’t go back if I took an extended break. I would go as soon as I got out of high school because the information you learned school wise would still be fresh in your mind and would make college work sort of easier. Other than taking a break and losing some of the information then you would be screwed and have to relearn some of the information. I think going early would be good because you would be able to enjoy the college life style while your still young instead of putting off college and coming back probably at an older age. That’s how I feel in my opinion about going early to college. And if you get that scholarship then you basically have to go right after high school because everything is free and you really have don’t have to pay for anything.

But I can also understand why some people would hold off college for awhile. The main reason would be because they didn’t get a scholarship and have to hold it off so they could go make some money to be able to afford and go to college. Also most people don’t like getting any loans because they are hard to pay off and some are just too much money. Some people just wouldn’t feel they are ready for college because of all the pressure they received. Some people would feel that college just isn’t for them because they probably didn’t do that good in high school and would just give up. There could be a family emergency that calls for the person to put off college to help take care of a family member in need. That’s what I would do if such a situation ever happened in my own life. Also if the person was injured that sidelined him for a long period of time. That would be a situation where you would understand a person holding off college till they get healed.

Overall I think you could make a argument for both sides. But also it would all fall on the individuals choice themselves. But in my own opinion I would go early right after high school instead of holding it off. Going early has its advantages and disadvantages just like holding it off does. That’s all I think on both issues and the question overall and I would understand anyone’s decision on it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prompt#18: Pride

I think the importance of pride in one’s work is a very important quality that I feel everyone needs to have. Pride is something that all people have. The real issue is whether they use it or not.

If you have pride in your own work on the way it looks. Then you are a good person in my mind. For example if you a building yourself a house. Then you would want to make every room the best you could make it. You would want to make your master bedroom one of the best in the world. If you were to built your best in that mindset then you would have a lot of pride in your own work. And it also shows a great deal of responsibility and respect.

Overall I think pride is one of the greatest qualities a human being could have. Everyone I know has pride in whatever they do. That’s all I really think about this issue.

Abstract Poems#1-3

Courage is presented in all forms like the world,
In small to big or short to tall,
It lingers around you like the scent of strawberries.

Triedness comes and goes like the sun rises and sets,
Dressed in a sneeze of a cough,
But yet it can also do good for you.

Hardwork is the people working at there jobs,
Its dressed in the blood, sweat, and tears of its people,
But yet we still strive for it everyday of our lives.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Prompt#17: Diversity

I think the meaning of diversity means that there is a diverse group of individuals culture, race, and background wise. It could also refer to many different objects size, weight, color, and etc wise. Diversity exists all over the world and most people usually experience it on a day to day basis. You could experience it through if you have a different cultural and religion background. You would do that by attending a different religion’s church and bring some people from your religion to attend and look at god from a different religions point of view. Diversity should be accepted by all people whether they are of different race, religion, gender, cultural, and background wise.
            Diversity is shown in many animal species. Its shown the most in the Amazon Rain Forest. Its shown there because of all the different animal life that lives there. Diversity is also shown in there fish species they have. I think its great that schools nowadays are more diverse than ever. You now have more African Americans, White Americans, Mexican Americans, and many other races of people that now attend school together with no racial problems like there would have been back in the day when there was a lot of racism between all races. And many races stuck to themselves and there races only.
            Overall I think diversity is a great thing that should be embraced by all races. Diversity is something that you will experience your whole life. I feel that if you don’t experience it some point in your life that something is seriously wrong with you. And that you are afraid of change, when it is happening around you all the time.

Prompt#16: Cooperation

            Cooperation to me means when a group of individuals work together for a common good or a different purpose. Cooperation is important because without it there wouldn’t be as many man made marvels that we have today. Cooperation was important for the construction of the Hoover Dam. It was important because everybody had different parts to do and if they didn’t do it correctly than the whole project would have failed. They used cooperation for each successful part of the project and ended up creating one of the Seven Wonders of the United States of America.
            Cooperation is used in everyday life by ordinary people. Cooperation is used at people’s jobs to complete task. It’s used when you have to do group projects for school because you have to either work with or depend on other individuals in your group. Cooperation has been used in many civilizations that have ruled the world at one point in history. It was used ton gain all the success they had accomplished. Cooperation is used when a group of scientists try to prove a theory or invent a new invention. Cooperation is used in gangs when they steal from places and murder people. Its used by a group of criminals that plan to rob a bank or something.
            Overall I think cooperation is essential to life on Earth. All animals have to use it on a daily basis to avoid predators and hunt for prey. Most of them use it to look out for there young. I think every society and culture uses it because without it we all as human beings would cease to survive and exist.